Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Thyroid Good, I Think

So, my lovelies, it's been a few weeks since I talked about my thyroid. I did have the biopsy done last week. About several needles were jabbed in, two were for the anaesthetic. My throat was a bit tender and it bruised a little after, but nothing to really write home about.

Today, I received the call that the 1cm nodule was BENIGN. That was great news for Sprinkles; however, my primary care recommended that I go to an Ears, Nose, Throat doctor to check out why there was some extra bleeding in my throat based on the samples found. I thought it was because they were jabbing around since they needed a longer needle at some point.

I made the appointment today for next Tuesday afternoon after the 4th of July holiday. This will make 4 medical appointments on the schedule for July already. Sigh. Just another appointment on my calendar. I pray for more patience...not patients. ;p


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

OMG...Our Network

This is unprecedented I know, but I had to gripe about work. For a week now we've had service interruptions at work. E-mails up and down. Applications working intermittently or not at all. A big cluster fuck happened where one of our hubs is located. Not pretty. Poor Tawny's husband has had to deal with it, too.

Today is my first day at work since Thursday and TWO of the applications I work with are not working well. I guess I should count myself lucky that the third one is working. It just makes the day go long as I work from home today.

My aftercare chemo meds are wearing off -- my brain is still fuzzy. TV doesn't hold appeal. Same crap playing on TV. Ugh. I took my blood pressure pill for dessert after lunch. That's good, eh?

Oh -- lookee. I have conference call in 2.5 hours. Something too look forward to this afternoon...

And Now My Thyroid

Things are going great from the cancer front. Progressing mighty nicely as a matter of fact. Woohoo!!

Well -- now I have an ultrasound appointment to check out the nodule seen when I went to the emergency room in April when I had issues with my port. The scan of my heart included a little nodule up in my thyroid. My ultrasound is next Tuesday.

Going to doctor's appointments is the norm for now. I just make the appointments and try to mitigate any kind of side effects from the chemotherapy and address other items as they come up. Face it, I am going to be 40 years old in January. This is the best time to reset my body. I have some aggressive health goals for myself as I progress from cancer.

Yes, I am bummed about the thyroid appointment. All I can do is go.