Last Friday I did some power grocery shopping as I need to prepare for the next couple of weeks during my chemo time. After my chemo this Friday, I won't feel up to shopping. You know the routine by now.
On Saturday, I walked for two miles with Kristey. The walk was dicey in some parts, but we stopped and I drank liquids. Even though we started our trek at 7:30am, it was hotter than Hades in the wooded park. When I got home, I was wiped out. I ended up sleeping on the couch all day which aggravated me. I had intended to do chores like cleaning and laundry but wasn't up to it at all. How could two miles take me down the rest of the day? No, I don't need you to answer that. I've had a few people already tell me why. Sigh. I drank coffee to watch Betty White on Saturday Night Live. Betty was awesome in all her skits!
On Sunday, I did five loads of laundry before noon. Yes, that means I started at 7-ish. I washed the floors and cleaned some, too. That made me tired again...which aggravated me. My current physical limitations are wearing on me something awful. In my mind, I can move mountains, but my body says I can just kick sand around. This is disheartening.
I woke up today to some other news online regarding a friend. Well, someone else gave the news, but it was about that person. I can't expect much from a person who is morally depraved and deprived. Still - unexpected news can still be weird to read before 6am. Did it aggravate me? I'll let you guess.
Now to Tawny who had a doctor's appointment this afternoon. I tried calling her on her home phone and also on her regular cell in the early evening. I sent her two text messages about an hour or two later. No responses. Yes, that was aggravating. I hope she is okay.
So now I am getting ready to watch some sitcoms to make me cheery. I may let you know about my shrinky dink appointment. On my other blog, I will definitely. Now on to sitcoms.

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