My WTF moment came about this way - I have been unemployed for 1 year and 3 months, I finally have a job and first day was to have been Feb. 22nd - but due to some processing difficulties and an uncooperative VPN connection the HR person I was dealing with couldn't clear me to start on Monday but was able to confirm a Tuesday the 23rd start day.
This left me with absolutely nothing to do Monday but just do some final things around the house since I would now be gone everyday, once again among the gainfully employed. At 4:30PM my Dr. office called to tell me they received my blood work from the week before and even though I had an appointment scheduled for the 11th they needed to see me right away. WHAT???!! Are you kidding me? If they had called any earlier in the day I could have gone immediately...but I was starting a NEW job the next day!
I called the office the next day to find out that I am EXTREMELY anemic (again???) and they wanted to see me. I made a deal with the nurse that I would start taking iron supplements at the same levels as the last time this happened and we would discuss everything at the appointment on the 11th. She wasn't happy about it but c'est la vie. I am not putting a new job in jeopardy after being unemployed this long.
So the next WTF Now moment will be on the 11th when we try to figure out why I keep becoming anemic. Stay tuned...

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