Talked to number one son and invited him to dinner - he accepted along with "can I bring a load of laundry" Of course! So now dinner for got up from non existant nap and started getting ready for everyone to descend...Jeff and I then remembered that we had to renew our lease TODAY in order to keep our same rent (and believe me we got an exceptional deal on our lease) luckily they had extended hours today at the office due to special they were running. We got there at 7:30 and they were closing at just enough time - we got everything signed and back to the house...everyone had arrived while we were out and Shelli had dinner started. At this time it was already after 8...dinner was finally ready at 9 but unfortunately Jeff had to work tonight at 9 so he wasn't able to sit with us at the table. But all in all dinner was wonderful everyone had fun and it was yummy.
Just finishing up some laundry and on to bed...almost midnight after very busy day and evening. Time for some ZZZZZ's.

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